A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

Seasonal Marketing Ideas

building an editorial calendar for social media

Seasonal Marketing Ideas  by Sandy Hibbard/CEO and Creative Director for Sandy Hibbard Creative.   [Article updated February 24, 2021.] Seasonal marketing is something fun to incorporate into your marketing that gives a grass-roots and very personal vibe to your efforts. There are opportunities at the launch of spring when we begin to see new life, […]

Reach Out and Text Someone!

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Reach Out and Text Someone! Sometimes the most amazing opportunity is right under your nose… or right under your fingers and thumbs!  👍🏻😊 We text our BFF’s, family, friends and boos all day long, but using the text application on your smart phone has been highly overlooked as an immediate, low-cost marketing TOOL for your […]

Keep Calm and Do These Two Things

keep callm and do these two things sandy hibbard creative blog

The 2 Most Important Elements of Your Marketing It seems like there are millions of different ways to market your business these days – and too many social networks to keep up with.  It becomes a daunting task to choose WHAT to do for most business owners.  In this week’s tip I want to simplify it for […]

What Cocktails Can Teach Us About Marketing

I think it’s fair to say that for some it is hard to get back into the swing of working and marketing when holiday fun is knocking on our doors!  I had this crazy idea to juxtapose a couple of ideas to drive home another great marketing idea. Making and indulging in a great cocktail, […]

What Happens When Facebook Goes Away?

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Where will your marketing efforts be when Facebook isn’t “it” anymore? Will you move to another platform, will you be established in another form of digital marketing and ready to roll? If you are smart, you will prepare your business by using and testing other forms of online/social marketing – Instagram, email, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Five Huge Mistakes To Avoid With Your Marketing Strategy

marketing team working on strategy sandy hibbard creative blog

Five Huge Mistakes To Avoid With Your Marketing Strategy   While developing a marketing strategy is not an exact science, I often see the same mistakes made over and over when working with clients. Chasing the bright and shiny object is always a temptation, but worse yet, is the tendency for business owners to jump […]

A Little Red Lipstick Marketing Mojo for the Weekend! 💋

“Take control of your marketing like you do your lipstick.” It’s Friday!  I just wanted to reach out and say have a great weekend, and while you are out enjoying this magic spring weather, I want you to think about your marketing in relationship to lipstick.  Guys you should love this! Take control of your […]

Don’t Forget These Savvy 10 Marketing Tips For Your Business

Marketing is not always easy for business owners. First of all you don’t have the time to devote to marketing, and secondly, there are changes to available marketing platforms daily! Besides traditional marketing methods like print and direct mail, you also need a social media marketing plan in place that covers the places where you […]

Is it time that you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram?

There’s a buzz going on about Facebook vs Instagram. Do you focus on one or the other? Do you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram? My simple answer: NO. Keep them both. Stay diversified in your social media so you can be found everywhere; and be consistent (marketing over mastery). Instagram and Facebook […]

The 2 Most Important Elements of Your Marketing

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  The 2 Most Important Elements of Your Marketing There are many different ways to market your business these days.  So many ways, in fact, that it becomes a daunting task to choose WHAT to do for most business owners.  I could give you a list of 4, 6, the top 8 or more, but for this writing – […]