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Reach Out and Text Someone!

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Reach Out and Text Someone!

Sometimes the most amazing opportunity is right under your nose… or right under your fingers and thumbs!  👍🏻😊

We text our BFF’s, family, friends and boos all day long, but using the text application on your smart phone has been highly overlooked as an immediate, low-cost marketing TOOL for your business. A texting program added to your marketing strategy is a great way to focus on staying in touch with those special people on your “A” list – current and past clients, vetted prospects, friends and family.

line of people texting on their phones

You already have a great database in your phone. These are contacts who know you, have done business with you, been interested in your services, or are personal friends/family – it’s a goldmine! Plus each one has the ability to refer you! So why not send a group text to these contacts on a regular basis? The text message could be a simple note (PLEASE DON’T SELL) that contains a link from your latest Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, blog or website post that illustrates your best business face.

The key to successful texting is not to directly sell anything but to keep it personal and interesting. Greet them with a brief message and then give them something of value that is authentic to your business and the relationship you have. Keep them in the loop about a new project, product or service. Texting is an opportunity to begin a new business relationship with someone you know – you would be surprised at the number of people you know and have even hung out with that DON’T really KNOW what you do for a living and how good you are at it!

A good starting text would be to share a new blog post that is part of your current content marketing program. Make it an informational post that explains and supports the work you do, make it personal and compelling. Tell your story. Post the blog and syndicate it to your social networks. Capture the URL on the blog post and use that link in your text message. Preface the link with the warm greeting I mentioned above and send!  Be available for the responses that will come and keep your texts short, warm, and friendly.

One word to remember:  MOBILE!  Make mobile part of your overall content marketing strategy.  You need to plan, right now, for the traffic your content gets from a mobile device. While the idea of a business sending text messages to you is still foreign to most consumers, more brands are starting to see massive returns from texting.

Let the data speak for itself:

  1. 98% open rates
  2. 8x more engagement than email
  3. Average conversion rate of 23.3%

With text message marketing being so available and performing so strongly, it’s a great touch to add to your marketing plan. Start simple and test it, and remember, it’s always about great content!

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