A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

Don’t Forget These Savvy 10 Marketing Tips For Your Business

Marketing is not always easy for business owners. First of all you don’t have the time to devote to marketing, and secondly, there are changes to available marketing platforms daily! Besides traditional marketing methods like print and direct mail, you also need a social media marketing plan in place that covers the places where you […]

50 Inspirational Quotes to Keep you Motivated

Great quotes can be inspirational and motivational. You can use quotes to help guide your decisions in life, work and love. Here are 50 of the best inspirational quotes to motivate you: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! —Audrey Hepburn I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you […]

Is it time that you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram?

There’s a buzz going on about Facebook vs Instagram. Do you focus on one or the other? Do you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram? My simple answer: NO. Keep them both. Stay diversified in your social media so you can be found everywhere; and be consistent (marketing over mastery). Instagram and Facebook […]

Some Holiday Love: Butternut Squash Apple Cider Soup

sandy hibbard creative squash soup recipe

Butternut Squash Apple Cider Soup 3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 onion, thinly sliced 4 cloves garlic, smashed 1 shallot, finely chopped 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated ! tsp ground cloves ! tsp allspice 6 oz leeks, finely chopped 6 oz carrots Classic de espices cachet (cachet: bay leaf, 5-7 whole peppercorns and fresh sprig […]

Photo Tips for Great Night Time Shots

Night time photo tip #4 sandy hibbard creative services brooklyn new york

You are most likely going to get out and about tomorrow night for trick-or-treating with your little ones, or to party with friends. There will be picture taking I assure you! So to make sure you get the best shots, follow these quick tips:     PHOTO TIPS FOR GREAT NIGHTTIME SHOTS ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT: […]

Double your exposure with an Instagram Ad

instabrand sandy hibbard creative backpacker looking at mountain lake

  Get double IMPACT when you combine Facebook ads with Instagram   By connecting your Facebook page with Instagram, running an ad will double your exposure and increase engagement. Facebook is clearly the most popular and affordable ad platform today; its deep demographics allow you to laser-focus on your target audience. Now you can build […]

Tips for taking great photos for your Instagram feed

tips for taking great instagram pics sandyhibbardcreative.com

​Tips for taking great photos for your Instagram feed   A frequent question I get from my clients is “ I’m not a photographer, so how do I take good pictures for my Instagram?”  Since visual marketing is about great VISUAL content, taking excellent photos is of vital importance. So I have put together a […]

Creating an Instagram Feed that will build your online influence

​Image design by @nsthtc #nuaesthetic

Get CREATIVE and build your online #INFLUENCE   Building a strong and CREATIVE online presence on Instagram will empower your brand and increase your online INFLUENCE.    Here are four easy steps that will get you REAL results and INCREASE sales for your business: 1 – Properly set up your account with a FABULOUS profile pic […]

How Important is Visual Marketing to Your Strategic Marketing Plan?

Photo of a woman using smart phone

How Important is Visual Marketing to My Strategic Marketing Plan?​ If I were standing before you today teaching a class and asked you this question “how are you converting your Instagram and social media followers into real social leads?”, I would get a variety of answers. Some would respond with great success stories and others […]

The 2 Most Important Elements of Your Marketing

sandy hibbard creative peace sign two fingers black and white

  The 2 Most Important Elements of Your Marketing There are many different ways to market your business these days.  So many ways, in fact, that it becomes a daunting task to choose WHAT to do for most business owners.  I could give you a list of 4, 6, the top 8 or more, but for this writing – […]

Choose Your Weapons: 10-Key Areas of Focus in Your Online Marketing

yellow brick wall with text choose your weapons for blog post at sandyhibbardcreative.com

10 key areas you need to focus on in your online marketing…. get ready, get set, choose your weapons!   The first five of the 10 key areas of focus for successful marketing are my favorite marketing methods.  Yes, there are more, many more, but these five are practical, proven, and available methods that can […]