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Tips for taking great photos for your Instagram feed

tips for taking great instagram pics sandyhibbardcreative.com

​Tips for taking great photos for your Instagram feed


A frequent question I get from my clients is “ I’m not a photographer, so how do I take good pictures for my Instagram?”  Since visual marketing is about great VISUAL content, taking excellent photos is of vital importance. So I have put together a list of 25 basic tips that will help guide you through the process. Creating photos that share your moments and the passion that is behind your business takes focused work, but can be super fun.


Check out these 25 tips for creating great photos you can post on Instagram:


  • Avoid flash and use natural light

  • Don’t be afraid of shadows, use them for a dramatic effect

  • Keep Instagram’s square format (1080 x 1080 pixels)

  • Keep a central area of interest in each image

  • Avoid zoom and get up close

  • Stay consistent with your brand on all your photos

  • Details matter

  • The human face attracts the most attention

  • Take your pictures so that the viewer can picture themselves in the scene

  • Try out different perspectives

  • Get creative, go out of the box

  • Set your camera to get the highest resolution image possible

  • Avoid placing text on your images

  • Go easy on the filters, simple is better

  • Take your photos outside the Instagram app

  • Try out popular photo editing apps

  • Use hashtags and keep them specific to your image

  • Use the grid feature on your phone to keep your images lined up and straight

  • Catch the moments as they happen

  • Allow for white space in your images to create more interest on your feed

  • If you’re shooting in the sun, keep the sun behind you

  • Aim for quality not quantity

  • Used captions and detailed descriptions to increase your engagement

  • Don’t be “posey”, compose the image instead

  • Under expose your images, you can’t work with a blown out photo


Adhering to these basic 25 tips will help you produce more beautiful and engaging photographs that will turn your Instagram feed into a well curated gallery, increasing engagement and followers for your brand.


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