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Don’t Let the Lack of Creativity Muzzle Your Marketing Message

I love this photograph by Getty Images, and guess what? I would NOT have seen it had they not been on Instagram. In marketing you have to market! The best collateral, the most dynamic website and content will not attract your prospects unless you are using them to creatively tell your story. You have to […]

Celebrate your Freedom!

fireworks by sandy hibbard

  Celebrate Freedom: From NYC to DFW – Join the Fun at these 2017 Independence Day Activities The Sandy Hibbard Creative team wishes all of our clients, friends and families a safe and fun Independence Day holiday. We are thankful for the blessing to live in this country where we are free to explore our […]

[Marketing Tip] Is Mastery of your Skill More Important than Marketing?

Is Marketing Really Better than Mastery? I am going to go out on a limb here and answer a hearty YES! Your marketing is more important than the mastery of your skills and the sum of your expertise. All the credentials you add beside your name, your education and experience means nothing if no one […]

Can I Get Results in My Marketing Using Just a Facebook Page?

A question I get frequently in my seminars is “Why do I need to have my own website or blog when I can just use a Facebook Page?” The answer is simple, you need a website to represent YOU, the branded services you offer on a platform YOU control. PLUS, when you host content on […]

[Marketing Tip] Do These 4 Ridiculously Simple Things to Improve Your Brand’s SEO

  “You can reach your clients and prospects with your brand message anytime day or night via the social media networks, but getting their attention is the first and most challenging step.“     Do these 4 ridiculously simple things to improve your brand’s SEO You can reach your clients and prospects with your brand […]

[Marketing Tip] What is the 80-20 Rule in Social Media?

“Social media is like a networking group online and your involvement is much like attending a cocktail party. You want to engage others and create conversation, share fun stories and information, and sometimes talk seriously and promote yourself.“   [Marketing Tip] What is the 80-20 Rule in Social Media? Engaging your social media audience can […]

Creating an Opportunity for Social Leads & Social Selling on Facebook

CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIAL LEADS & SOCIAL SELLING How do you create opportunities for leads on your social media? In marketing terms, a “lead” is a person who has expressed some sort of interest in a business. So, a “social lead” is a person who has expressed some sort of interest in a business via a […]

[Marketing Tip] You are not thought of or missed, you are forgotten

This is how you grow your marketing base – it’s your gold – you gain preference when you create awareness of your business, your services, and you.      You are not thought of. You are not missed. You are forgotten. When I was looking for apartments in NYC a few months ago, I ran […]

This Will Drastically Improve Your Social Media Success

Are you missing out on clients because you’re not on social media?   Staying connected and nurturing your prospects through CONSISTENT social media marketing keeps YOU on their mind and increases awareness of your brand.  Do you want to create leads and be preferred over the competition?  You need social media marketing to build your […]

Are you appealing to an “always-on” customer?

Are you appealing to an “always-on” customer? As a long time marketer, I can tell you that there isn’t a better time to reach your target audience than now. Opportunities abound! We are on our mobile devices hours a day checking emails, social media, texting, calling and shopping. We can almost always be reached on our mobile […]

6 Tips for Effective Blog Posts

Are your blogging efforts not producing results or engagement as you expected? Are you losing motivation to keep blogging, don’t know where to start, or what to write? Hang in there, these feelings are common and there are ways to tweak your posts for better results. In this article I am going to give you […]