A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

Marketing Tip: How to Have Successful Marketing this Year

You Have To Write It Down

Marketing Tip: How to Have Successful Marketing this Year You Have To Write It Down! There is something that happens in our brains when we write down an idea.  It’s almost as effective as speaking out what you want to do.  When we add a written plan to a spoken idea, things happen!     […]

The Best Marketing Investment You Can Make for the Money

Marketing Tip:  Handwritten notes: An old-school practice that makes a stronger personal connection Try a handwritten note as a way to say thank you to your client or prospective client, it is the best marketing investment you can make for the money   I was in NYC last month and stopped at the Kiehl’s flagship […]

Marketing Tip: Who Will You Listen To When You Need Good Marketing Advice?

give them something to talk about

Marketing Tip: Who Will You Listen To When You Need Good Marketing Advice? This week’s tip is to remind you to seek a professional marketer’s opinion when you need help with your marketing.   Here’s an exercise I want you to do: Review the last five to six Marketing tips to refresh your mind as […]

Marketing Tip: Take baby steps to get to your larger marketing goal

baby steps to your goal at lyrics marketing tips

Marketing Tip: Take baby steps to get to your larger marketing goal By Sandy Hibbard We all have big dreams for our business.  To achieve the ultimate goal we must first know WHERE we are going and understand the stops along the way.  For example, Sarah is a singer and her goal is to achieve […]

Marketing Tip: Some Classics Never Die, They Just Need to be Tweaked

marketing Tips at www.lyricmarketing.com

Marketing Tip: Some Classics Never Die, They Just Need to be Tweaked By Sandy Hibbard Simple sage advice:  If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!  I can’t tell you how many times I have worked with clients that had a great marketing strategy in place – leads were coming in, sales were happening – but […]

Marketing Tip: Don’t be an egghead, put a face to your marketing

Put a face to your marketing Lyric's Marketing Tip #38

Marketing Tip: Don’t be an egghead, put a face to your marketing By Sandy Hibbard This is such an important part of marketing that I thought it would be good to bring it up for this last quarter in 2013 – use YOUR FACE in your marketing!  With social media profiles being indexed by Google […]

Marketing Tip: Be an expert in your field

you are the knowledge expert

Marketing Tip: Be an expert in your field So you think you can do it all?  So do I – well, at least that’s what I USE TO THINK until I gained more experience and realized that honing in on what I do best and letting others do what they do best is the real […]

Marketing Tip: Times Change But Good Marketing Lasts Forever

Marilyn Monroe on billboard

Marketing Tip: Times Change But Good Marketing Lasts Forever Great marketing will transcend time and trends.  Whether you are using old school marketing like billboards or direct mail, if your message is skillfully crafted and your imagery pops, it will get the attention of your audience. To create a classic marketing campaign, keep your message […]

Marketing Tip: Simplify Your Mobile Strategy

wall of purses ecommerce

Marketing Tip: Simplify Your Mobile Strategy After topping $10 billion in sales in the first half of 2013, new survey data from ComScore puts mobile commerce over $25 billion by the end of the year. A mobile strategy can seem daunting to small and large companies a like but there’s no denying the importance of […]

Marketing Tip: 3 Social Media Tips from Richard Branson

Richard Branson as a stewardess on Virgin Australia at www.lyricmarketing.com

Marketing Tip: 3 Social Media Tips from Richard Branson Virgin Founder Richard Branson knows a thing or two about social media: “I’ve built a strong online presence over the last few years and am always thinking of new ways to expand our reach. I think this is partly because I was already comfortable with the […]

Marketing Tip: A Picture Can Convey a Thousand Words

girl taking photo with polaroid

Marketing Tip: A Picture Can Convey a Thousand Words From Instagram to Pinterest we are obsessed with pictures. And now with the advancement of smartphone technology it’s easier than ever to capture your marketing right in the palm of your hand. Pinterest is a great platform to showcase different sides of your brand. With multiple […]

Marketing Tip: Niche, Niche, Niche = Customer Love!

Go beyond a Target Audience go NICHE

Marketing Tip: Niche, Niche, Niche = Customer Love! When you find AND connect with your niche you will develop raving fans and LOVING customer advocates If you are finding it difficult for people to respond to your generic offerings or messages, you would be smart to be carefully considering how to niche.  It’s not that hard, […]