Killer Marketing Tip #37: Send the Gift of Coffee

Killer Marketing Tip #37: Send the Gift of Coffee For those clients and prospects that love coffee, anytime is a good time for a coffee gift – Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year, Valentine’s Day, whenever! So make your list and send out Starbucks cards. You can do it online or buy cards and use them […]
Killer Marketing Tip #40: Make an Impression With a Pop-By!

Killer Marketing Tip #40: Make an Impression With a Pop-By! This is the time of the year to do something crazy fun! POP-BY and see a client or prospect face to face! There are plenty of opportunities to make an impression with a pop-by and work your database face to face. A pop-by in and of […]
Killer Marketing Tip #39: Clean Up Those Nasty Marketing Habits!

Killer Marketing Tip #39: Clean Up Those Nasty Marketing Habits! It’s time to do an inventory on your marketing! You may have heard me tell the story about the Skanky Scrunchie….if so, remember to clean up your marketing ASAP. If you haven’t, the gist is this: Don’t let one nasty, poorly designed, badly worded, embarrassing […]
Are You Crazy Enough to Keep Going?

Are You Crazy Enough to Keep Going? “Everyone is broken by life, and afterward, many are strong in the broken places.” ~ Earnest Hemingway We all work hard at what we do for a living. It can be daunting to keep up with all the requirements our businesses demand. In telling our stories and marketing […]
20 Unforgettable 4th Quarter Marketing Ideas to Delight your Prospects

20 Unforgettable 4th Quarter Marketing Ideas to Delight your Prospects Now that we are in 4th quarter it’s the ideal time to promote your business. People are looking toward a new year and creating a fresh start. Take advantage of the season’s opportunities with these fun marketing ideas. Launch an Instagram photo contest: Invite customers […]
[Marketing Tip] Capitalizing on 4th Quarter

Marketing Tip: Capitalizing on 4th Quarter By Sandy Hibbard Start your 4th Quarter out with the ideal solution for your social media marketing NOW is the time to put into place your dedicated social media marketing programs: The Social Voice Box is my entry level program I designed specifically for the busy professional who understands the value of […]
Seasonal Marketing Ideas

Seasonal Marketing Ideas by Sandy Hibbard/CEO and Creative Director for Sandy Hibbard Creative. [Article updated February 24, 2021.] Seasonal marketing is something fun to incorporate into your marketing that gives a grass-roots and very personal vibe to your efforts. There are opportunities at the launch of spring when we begin to see new life, […]
Marketing Tip: Reach Out and Text Someone!

Marketing Tip: Reach Out and Text Someone! Let’s focus on getting in touch with those special people on your “A” list! It is important that your clients, past clients, friends, family, ex’s, in-laws and out-laws, all know what you do and how you do it. They are the fine gold in your database. I want […]
Reach Out and Text Someone!

Reach Out and Text Someone! Sometimes the most amazing opportunity is right under your nose… or right under your fingers and thumbs! 👍🏻😊 We text our BFF’s, family, friends and boos all day long, but using the text application on your smart phone has been highly overlooked as an immediate, low-cost marketing TOOL for your […]
Do You Want to Improve Your Online Presence?

Do You Want to Improve Your Online Presence? Having a blog can drastically increase your organic website traffic. Blogging can be an ideal way to increase the amount of traffic your website receives. In addition to providing your audience with interesting and useful information that will bring back repeat business or visits, blogging can largely […]
Marketing Tip: Six Tips for Building Marketing Muscle

Here is article I wrote comparing strong marketing to a strong and toned body. It’s fun to see the analogy between building a strong physique to building a strong marketing program.
3 Simple Ways to Calm Fear in Your Clients and Prospects

3 Simple Ways to Calm Fear in Your Market There are a lot of questions on everyone’s minds right now. That feeling of uncertainty over our health and businesses may be driving anxiety through the roof – for you and your clients. But even if you can’t go about your business as usual, there’s still […]