A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

3 Most Important Things in an Instagram Campaign

The hottest network going right now is Instagram.  You probably know that, yet you’re hesitant to jump into the photo-marketing realm, I can’t blame you, it can be intimidating. But the good news is, you don’t have to be a prolific photographer to have a great Instagram feed that attracts people and increases awareness of […]

Is your team helping or hurting you? (Lessons I learned in Sunday school!)

Is your team helping or hurting you? (Lessons I learned in Sunday school!) Most of you know that I am a “PK” (a preachers kid). I draw many of my business and marketing practices from things I learned growing up watching how a church was “pastored”. After all, there isn’t a vocation that uses marketing […]

Can I Get Results in My Marketing Using Just a Facebook Page?

A question I get frequently in my seminars is “Why do I need to have my own website or blog when I can just use a Facebook Page?” The answer is simple, you need a website to represent YOU, the branded services you offer on a platform YOU control. PLUS, when you host content on […]

[Marketing Tip] What is the 80-20 Rule in Social Media?

“Social media is like a networking group online and your involvement is much like attending a cocktail party. You want to engage others and create conversation, share fun stories and information, and sometimes talk seriously and promote yourself.“   [Marketing Tip] What is the 80-20 Rule in Social Media? Engaging your social media audience can […]

[Marketing Tip] You are not thought of or missed, you are forgotten

This is how you grow your marketing base – it’s your gold – you gain preference when you create awareness of your business, your services, and you.      You are not thought of. You are not missed. You are forgotten. When I was looking for apartments in NYC a few months ago, I ran […]

Marketing Tip: You’ve run out of time, money, and imagination – now what?

Marketing Tip: You’ve run out of time, money, and imagination – now what? Standing in line at Starbucks this week, I noticed their call-in order program causing a delay in the line.  Someone had ordered multiple drinks during a busy time and they did not have enough staff to handle it.  They needed someone designated […]

Marketing Tip: Think Large – 5 Out of the Box Marketing Ideas

Marketing Tip #44: Think Large – 5 Out of the Box Marketing Ideas It’s time to pull your head out of your tunnel vision and allow yourself to go where the sky is the limit. Think Large! What have you accomplished this year in your marketing? In your life? Did you do the things you dreamed […]

Add a Fresh Look to Your Business Cards

business card designs that pop

Marketing Tip: Add a fresh look to your business cards Unless you have updated your marketing in the last 12 months or so, my bet is that you might need to add a fresh look to your business cards.  I am still a big believer in business cards (or calling cards), people keep them (especially […]

Don’t Send Your Marketing Down a One-Way Street

don't take your marketing down a one-way street LyricMarketingTips.com no.9

I had an interesting conversation with a marketing executive of a major national chain that I sat next to on a plane last week.  As our conversation developed it immediately went to content marketing then to the need for diversity in marketing.  Do you realize that even though you have a large following – or […]

Make Their Day – Give it Away

Illustration of two characters giving hearts to each other

Yep! That’s it, if you want to capture the loyalty of your clients, and the attention of your prospects, give them something. With no strings attached. This method has worked forever and still works today! Here are a couple of examples to whet your appetite for giving. And I might also mention that this is […]

Marketing Tip: 10 Key Areas of Focus for Successful Marketing

Alain Labels black and white photo of young girl staring at frog

In this year’s marketing tips, I will be dissecting 10 keys areas and how to use them in your marketing by syndicating each one to the other.   Each month I will be covering each of the five marketing methods with a suggestion on how to use it in one of the five social media networks. […]

Marketing Tip: How To Be Recognized OFFLINE As Well As Online

starbucks bus

Marketing Tip:  How To Be Recognized OFFLINE As Well As Online Never make your customers or prospects work to recognize it’s you in their mailbox or inbox.  Keep your content fresh, but the look consistent on all of your communications – from letters to postcards to email blasts to web to Facebook posts – let […]