A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

This ONE Word Should Define Your Marketing Goals

two girls in paris building relationships in marketing sandyhibbardcreative.com

A#1 in today’s tech-heavy, social business climate is RELATIONSHIP   “Keeping my networks manageable and contacts tight, has helped me to be more present, interact, respond, and ultimately create real connections. This is how we build online relationships.” ~ Sandy Hibbard   Yesterday I was sitting in the park early morning, having breakfast and catching […]

What Cocktails Can Teach Us About Marketing

I think it’s fair to say that for some it is hard to get back into the swing of working and marketing when holiday fun is knocking on our doors!  I had this crazy idea to juxtapose a couple of ideas to drive home another great marketing idea. Making and indulging in a great cocktail, […]

Build Your Instagram Like a Real Story Teller

collage of performer sarra from dallas tx

A performer tells their story through their song or act, but to get people to listen [just like you], they have to market their product. They have to tell their story beyond the bounds of the art they have created. They have to get skin in the game, put themselves out there and be relentless in what works!

What Happens When Facebook Goes Away?

main in front of chalkboard with social icons

Where will your marketing efforts be when Facebook isn’t “it” anymore? Will you move to another platform, will you be established in another form of digital marketing and ready to roll? If you are smart, you will prepare your business by using and testing other forms of online/social marketing – Instagram, email, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

7 Tips to Repurpose Your Blog and Drive Traffic to Your Website

Young woman with laptop outdoors in a summer garden

Creating compelling content is very time consuming , and face it, running your business is taking most of your time, and so it should be. No one can represent and build your business like you! However, marketing still presents a problem when it comes to finding time and having the energy and imagination to do it. That being said, you can strategically plan your content to get the most from it by repurposing it across multiple platforms. I want to share some of those ideas with you.

Logos with Company Names

Logos with Long Company Names: Examples and Approaches A logo using your company name is always a good way to go. However, a long company name can be a challenge for a logo designer. It can be difficult to keep a clean look to a logo using a long company name. Lengthy text can look […]

Ideas for Great Bonuses to Give to Clients

ideas for client bonus sandyhibbardcreative.com blog

I always have trouble separating marketing and sales.  I always have trouble mixing marketing and sales!  What I mean is that great marketing should lead to sales, but you have to ask for the business, right?  

What Do They Say When You’re NOT In The Room?

babuji in NYC on the blog at sandyhibbardcreative.com

“Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room. Make it something great.”   Whether you are Babu Ji (the hip Indian restaurant in NYC) or the up and coming new jazz artist in your area, your personal brand says it all. If you are a Realtor, a […]

I might be the creative designer you’ve been looking for

graphic designer working late drinking coffee sandy hibbard creative blog

  [button title=”GET STARTED” link=”mailto:info@sandyhibbardcreative.com” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”blue” font_color=”white” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]  

Five Huge Mistakes To Avoid With Your Marketing Strategy

marketing team working on strategy sandy hibbard creative blog

Five Huge Mistakes To Avoid With Your Marketing Strategy   While developing a marketing strategy is not an exact science, I often see the same mistakes made over and over when working with clients. Chasing the bright and shiny object is always a temptation, but worse yet, is the tendency for business owners to jump […]

Where To Watch 4th of July Fireworks in Dallas and NYC

fireworks over east river by sandy hibbard

Where to Watch 4th of July Fireworks in Dallas   ADDISON Addison Kaboom Town- July 3rd www.addisonkaboomtown.com ARLINGTON Light Up Arlington- July 3rd www.lightuparlington.com Arlington 4th of July Parade- July 4th www.arlington4th.org Texas Rangers Post Game Fireworks- July 4th www.texasrangers.com BEDFORD 4th Fest www.bedfordtx.gov THE COLONY Liberty by the Lake- July 4th www.thecolonytx.gov COPPELL Parade […]

A Little Red Lipstick Marketing Mojo for the Weekend! 💋

“Take control of your marketing like you do your lipstick.” It’s Friday!  I just wanted to reach out and say have a great weekend, and while you are out enjoying this magic spring weather, I want you to think about your marketing in relationship to lipstick.  Guys you should love this! Take control of your […]