A Holiday Note

[Marketing Tip] You are not thought of or missed, you are forgotten

This is how you grow your marketing base – it’s your gold – you gain preference when you create awareness of your business, your services, and you. You are not thought of. You are not missed. You are forgotten. When I was looking for apartments in NYC a few months ago, I ran […]
This Will Drastically Improve Your Social Media Success

Are you missing out on clients because you’re not on social media? Staying connected and nurturing your prospects through CONSISTENT social media marketing keeps YOU on their mind and increases awareness of your brand. Do you want to create leads and be preferred over the competition? You need social media marketing to build your […]
Are you appealing to an “always-on” customer?

Are you appealing to an “always-on” customer? As a long time marketer, I can tell you that there isn’t a better time to reach your target audience than now. Opportunities abound! We are on our mobile devices hours a day checking emails, social media, texting, calling and shopping. We can almost always be reached on our mobile […]
6 Tips for Effective Blog Posts

Are your blogging efforts not producing results or engagement as you expected? Are you losing motivation to keep blogging, don’t know where to start, or what to write? Hang in there, these feelings are common and there are ways to tweak your posts for better results. In this article I am going to give you […]
[Marketing Tip] Are you using these 3 things wisely to build your marketing?

[Marketing Tip] Are you using these 3 things wisely to build your marketing? As nature literally changes it’s shape everyday, our own personal circumstances, opportunities, and perspectives change as well. Are you looking for it? Do you anticipate it? Are you being aware enough to notice the subtle shifts in your life and in […]
Marketing Tip: 4 Top Questions My Clients Ask Regarding Social Media Success

Marketing Tip: 4 Top Questions My Clients Ask Regarding Social Media Success Working with clients in social media and creative design and marketing, teaching in lunch-and-learns, and leading marketing workshops, I get a lot of questions. For this week’s marketing tip, here are 4 top things people ask me regarding social media success: 1. […]
This will help you overcome your procrastination

Need help overcoming your procrastination? I know all too well from working with clients like you for over 10 years that marketing can be daunting, and social media marketing can pull you into one deep, black hole! So what happens? You procrastinate. You do nothing. Why do we run from hard tasks? Because of […]
What is Your Marketing Currency?

“There is a moment in your life when you have some say as to what your currency is going to be. I decided early on it was not going to be my looks.” ~ Amy Poehler I watched a video today by Michael Harris at the TEDx-SMU , his talk “Why Businesses Should Work Like a […]
Marketing Tip: This is the Hub in the Marketing Wheel, do you have it?

Marketing Tip: This is the Hub in the Marketing Wheel, do you have it? It’s time to start thinking about a blog. If you are a specialist in your field, sharing that information becomes an educational channel for your clients and target customers. Provide your audience with information they can use about your industry. […]
Marketing Tip: You’ve run out of time, money, and imagination – now what?

Marketing Tip: You’ve run out of time, money, and imagination – now what? Standing in line at Starbucks this week, I noticed their call-in order program causing a delay in the line. Someone had ordered multiple drinks during a busy time and they did not have enough staff to handle it. They needed someone designated […]
Marketing Tip: Two Tips to Dominate Your Social Media

2 Tips to Get Social Dominance on Your Networks There are two key factors for making social media work for your business. Number one is simply great content, and number two is your own active and personal engagement. We all know that consistency is key for successful social media marketing. To get there, you need […]