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The 7 Essential Elements of Effective Social Media Marketing

The SocialVoiceBox is about building awareness and relationships through your social networks.  Here is an excellent article by guest blogger Sonia Simone that discusses 7  basic things you need to consider in your overall social media marketing.  Enjoy!   The 7 Essential Elements of Effective Social Media Marketing by  SONIA SIMONE By now you know it’s a bad idea […]

Marketing Tip: Think Large – 5 Out of the Box Marketing Ideas

Marketing Tip #44: Think Large – 5 Out of the Box Marketing Ideas It’s time to pull your head out of your tunnel vision and allow yourself to go where the sky is the limit. Think Large! What have you accomplished this year in your marketing? In your life? Did you do the things you dreamed […]

Marketing Tip: What does your marketing sound like?

Marketing Tip: What does your marketing sound like? Shameless Self Promotion Time: We love what we do here, especially putting our resources to work for our clients. My goal is at Sandy Hibbard Creative is to make your personal brand and your business really shine! We want to ask you this question:  What does your marketing […]

Add a Fresh Look to Your Business Cards

business card designs that pop

Marketing Tip: Add a fresh look to your business cards Unless you have updated your marketing in the last 12 months or so, my bet is that you might need to add a fresh look to your business cards.  I am still a big believer in business cards (or calling cards), people keep them (especially […]

Marketing Tip: Video! The Fastest-growing Digital Content Category

Marketing Tip: Video! The Fastest-growing Digital Content Category It’s no secret video is becoming a bigger and bigger part of companies’ inbound marketing strategies. This year alone, we’ve seen Twitter launch video autoplay in our feeds, Facebook give advertisers the option to buy video ads, and the rise of live streaming video. Nowadays, the play button is becoming “the most […]

Marketing Tip: Need a sure delivery? Try the mail!

using direct mail in your marketing

Marketing Tip: Need a sure delivery? Try the mail! Direct mail is alive and kicking! Despite a general attitude that using the US mail for marketing is from the dinosaur age, it is alive and well. And I agree. There is nothing like getting a well crafted direct mail piece in your mail box. Research […]

Don’t Send Your Marketing Down a One-Way Street

don't take your marketing down a one-way street LyricMarketingTips.com no.9

I had an interesting conversation with a marketing executive of a major national chain that I sat next to on a plane last week.  As our conversation developed it immediately went to content marketing then to the need for diversity in marketing.  Do you realize that even though you have a large following – or […]

Marketing Tip: Smile for the Camera

Marketing Tip: Smile for the Camera I always say “smile for the camera, or look stupid, it’s your choice!” Post your photos!  Use your photos to tell your story.  Publish photos of your  company events, of you in action, of your clients, of helping others.  Don’t just publish them to Facebook.com, but put them on […]

Marketing Tip: Choosing the Clients YOU Want to Work With

Marketing Tip: Choosing the Clients YOU Want to Work With If you could do business with anyone, who would it be? Who is your ideal client? Cruise through your networks and search for people you WANT to do business with, then friend them, or invite them to follow you.  Try to add 10 people every […]

Marketing Tip: Do You Have a Compelling Story?

what is your story

Marketing Tip: Do You Have a Compelling Story? Nothing resonates with people more than a well told story. What is YOUR story?  What is the passion behind your business?  I want to challenge you this week to think about your story.  What gets you out of bed in the mornings to do what you do?  […]

Make Their Day – Give it Away

Illustration of two characters giving hearts to each other

Yep! That’s it, if you want to capture the loyalty of your clients, and the attention of your prospects, give them something. With no strings attached. This method has worked forever and still works today! Here are a couple of examples to whet your appetite for giving. And I might also mention that this is […]