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Killer Marketing Tip #46: Update Your Print Collateral

print collateral

Killer Marketing Tip #46: Update Your Print Collateral

Even in this era of technology print is not dead. There are still situations and clients that call for printed materials, and when it does make sure you have professionally designed and fabulously printed materials that will leave an impression.

“Print is dead, TV is dead….the Internet is dead!”

We’ve all heard these absurd accusations yet all three mediums are still alive and well. Print may be taking a hit as most advertisers and marketers turn to digital avenues to reach their customers, but print is stepping back into the spotlight and it just might be its time to shine.

As marketers, diversification is crucial when reaching our customer base. Now, I do agree that digital strategies should be a central focus in today’s social world, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook the power of print. Here are 8 reasons to rethink print:

  1. It grabs attention
  2. It focuses on customer retention
  3. There are no audience development costs
  4. No reliance on advertisers
  5. What’s old is new again
  6. Customers still need to know what questions to ask
  7. Print still excites people
  8. Print lets people unplug

The quality of the print collateral you send to your clients and prospects says so much about your brand. If it’s been some time since you last had an upgrade, or you still haven’t created professionally designed marketing materials, consider investing in new collateral, And be sure you update all your contact information, social media links, website links, and imagery to match your branded online presence.

What are your success stories with print media?



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