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Killer Marketing Tip #36: Make a Decision and Commit to Something!

make a decision and commit to something young girl eating thanksgiving dinner at a family table

Killer Marketing Tip #36: Make a Decision and Commit to Something! Putting good out in the world is a no-brainer, but have you ever thought about creating a marketing campaign around DOING good? In today’s marketing environment, people are craving an authentic and personal story about giving – in fact, the consumer will choose a […]

Tip #35: You’re the Expert – Create an EBook!


  Tip #35: You’re the Expert – Create an EBook! You’re getting the training, you’ve done the work, and you have the experience, you may even be working toward your 10,000 hours – heck, you may have your 60,000 hours!  Guess what? You’re the expert! That’s right, all bets are on that the knowledge you […]

Killer Marketing Tip 34: Take a Social Network and Blow it Up!

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  Tip #34: Choose a Network and Blow it Up! Do you really need to be on all the social media networks? Well it depends…. Why not focus on one and dominate it? If you own a business today, most likely you are on social media. For a person just launching a new business or for […]

Killer Marketing Tip 33: Capitalize on 4th Quarter Marketing

do something great ideas for 4th quarter marketing

  Capitalize on 4th Quarter Marketing During holidays and year end events, don’t forget that your clients still need to hear from you. Don’t slack up on your marketing during this busy time. When putting together your 4th Quarter marketing strategy, create your content to be relevant to the upcoming months – fall, football, changes in […]

Have a Holiday Focus on Charity Giving

Have a holiday focus on charity giving

Marketing Tip: Have a Holiday Focus on Charity Giving It’s the season of giving, have a holiday focus on charity during the holidays by promoting your charity of choice. During the holiday season there is a huge temptation to check out and leave your marketing on the shelf until the new year. Bad idea! Now […]