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Top 10 Creative Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

female marketing professional at work in her modern digital marketing agency

Top 10 Creative Marketing Trends for Small Businesses And WHY You Must Dominate Them By Sandy Hibbard   The cornerstone of success in any small business is a robust brand strategy supported by creative marketing solutions. However, many business owners are not inherently marketing experts. In the past, the lack of accessible tools meant that […]

The Importance of a Dynamic Customer Database

In the marketing world, where strategy reigns supreme and data is the currency of success, there exists a foundational element that serves as the basis of every successful campaign:

Overcoming the Challenges of this Modern Marketing Landscape

marketing challenges

Overcoming the Challenges of this Modern Marketing Landscape Insights into the Evolving Marketing Environment and Strategies for Success By Sandy Hibbard – Download printable PDF of the article   What you will learn: I. Introduction to the Current Marketing Environment and it’s Challenges    A. Overview of digital transformation and its impact on marketing    […]

10 Ways a Custom Newsletter Will Benefit Your Business

10 Ways a Custom Newsletter Will Benefit Your Business   “I don’t want to annoy people.” That’s one of many excuses I hear from clients when I ask them about sending out consistent email newsletters to their followers. Are you guilty of thinking this way too? Well stop it! It couldn’t be further from the […]

How to Write Your Story – What Good is it if No One Knows it?!

woman holding tablet in her workplace SandyHibbardCreative.com blog

No doubt you’ve heard me talk about this before. I say that it is the foundation of your marketing, that it IS your competitive advantage, and the one element that sets you apart from the competition – it’s YOUR compelling story.  No one else has it, no one can touch it.   You are unique […]


CREATING A BRANDED LOOK ON YOUR INSTAGRAM FEED The most successful Instagram accounts have a clearly defined aesthetic that applies to every photograph they share. If you use your Instagram feed as a purely personal account, you might not want to curate it at all; if you are using it for business, Instagram is a […]

[Marketing Tip] Is Mastery of your Skill More Important than Marketing?

Is Marketing Really Better than Mastery? I am going to go out on a limb here and answer a hearty YES! Your marketing is more important than the mastery of your skills and the sum of your expertise. All the credentials you add beside your name, your education and experience means nothing if no one […]

Growing Your business? Don’t Forget These 5 Things

Growing Your business? Don’t Forget These 5 Things Take time to build relationships. One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is failing to build relationships with customers. The first thing you are selling is yourself. If they don’t like you, the sale is not going to happen.  Stay on the radar. Once you’ve established rapport with customers, find ways […]

Add a Fresh Look to Your Business Cards

business card designs that pop

Marketing Tip: Add a fresh look to your business cards Unless you have updated your marketing in the last 12 months or so, my bet is that you might need to add a fresh look to your business cards.  I am still a big believer in business cards (or calling cards), people keep them (especially […]

Marketing Tip: Do You Have a Compelling Story?

what is your story

Marketing Tip: Do You Have a Compelling Story? Nothing resonates with people more than a well told story. What is YOUR story?  What is the passion behind your business?  I want to challenge you this week to think about your story.  What gets you out of bed in the mornings to do what you do?  […]

Marketing Tip: Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn!

Toot your own horn

Marketing Tip: Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! I know it’s hard to talk about yourself, much less promote yourself!  BUT in this world of social marketing, you must learn how to carry on a conversation, engage your clients and prospects with information that helps them know WHO you are and WHAT you […]

Marketing Tip: Build a database of customers

building a database of your customers at lyric's marketing tips lyricmarketing.com

Marketing Tip:  Build a database of customers   Is your database a coal mine or a GOLD MINE? A great marketing plan begins with a current and dynamic database. Don’t be scared off by all the complicated database programs. Keep it simple, make a gold mine out of your contacts! All you need is a […]