A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

Marketing Tip: Create a Pinterest Postcard Campaign

Singer Sarah Sellers

** The featured image on this post is a campaign Sandy Hibbard ran for singer Sarah Sellers counting down the days to her new single released last year.

Everybody loves to get a postcard in the mail, well, at least I do!  I love to visit my mailbox and find a friendly greeting from someone traveling, or who is just thinking about me.  Sending a colorful, non-salesy postcard in the mail is another way to continue building a relationship with someone you know or someone who has done something nice for you. You might even send a warm postcard greeting to a prospective new client and certainly to a loyal client who has trusted you with their business for years.  So how can we leverage your business message by marketing with photos online and in social media in this manner?

Create a Pinterest Postcard Campaign

I love Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr, I am a photo junkie.  I KNOW that interesting images have the ability to send a message in a powerful way, and you can do it quite easily on these social media platforms.  Ok, so here is what I’m thinking:  Create a postcard campaign that runs on  Pinterest or Instagram that sends out friendly soundbites of your brand message.  Ideas would be:

  • Inspirational quotes that pertain to your industry or life in general
  • A Marketing Tip quote ; ))
  • A business tip or mentoring tip
  • Countdown or teaser to a special event
  • A series of steps or actions to take to reach a certain goal – personal or in business

(Browse the gallery at the end of the post to get ideas.)

Once you settle on an idea, write your content for a series of 6 – 12, or more cards, depending on how long you want the campaign to run.  You may want to do one per week for a year or for a quarter, it will depend on the outcome you desire and your “time-money-imagination”.  Keep your message short, no more than 1 -3 sentences, just enough copy to display nicely on your postcard without completely blocking the image and to send a message.  Now remember, the idea on this campaign is NOT to sell but to inspire!

“Visual content is shared and liked as many as twelve times
more than text or links on social networking sites.”
~Myles Bristowe/HuffPost Blog

The next step is to print your messages onto your images, you can do this in Photoshop, Publisher and Word or other photo-editing programs you can find online.  When you have it all together have it printed (I suggest using expresscopy.com) and get it ready to mail out to your “A” list or targeted people in your database.  Use the final electronic image file you have created to produce a nice resolution photo image that you can then upload to your Pinterest account and pin to the appropriate folder.  Now, Pin and share it out to all your social media accounts.  It’s a win-win opportunity for you when you create a Pinterest postcard campaign – you get your warm message in front of your clients and prospects, and, your clients and prospects are entertained, informed and inspired as they become more aware of you.

Browse through the gallery I have created with examples of photo-messages I have used in campaigns in the last year.  Remember to keep this fun and be creative, the goal is to create awareness about you!  For more ideas, visit my Pinterest page.

 Awareness creates preference that creates selection!

Create a Pinterest Postcard Campaign Idea Gallery:

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