Marketing Tip: Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn!

Marketing Tip: Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! I know it’s hard to talk about yourself, much less promote yourself! BUT in this world of social marketing, you must learn how to carry on a conversation, engage your clients and prospects with information that helps them know WHO you are and WHAT you […]
Marketing Tip: Make an impact with your personality

Marketing Tip: Make an impact with your personality It’s important to let your customers, clients, and the community see who you are as a person, beyond your brand. When I share photos of me on the jogging trail, pics of my “Friday-night-single-girl-grocery-cart”, or rant about a common problem I see in the world, my networks support […]
Marketing Tip: Double your pleasure – Double your fun?

Marketing Tip: Double your pleasure – Double your fun? So many people ask me when I am in coaching sessions “do I need another Facebook page just for my business?” My answer always is “no“. Today’s transparent digital marketing is all about authenticity – being real – being you. What I suggest is to start […]
Marketing Tip: Don’t Put All Your Marketing Eggs In One Basket

Marketing Tip: Don’t Put All Your Marketing Eggs In One Basket In executing a marketing plan, it is important to be as diverse as the market you serve. Do not put all your eggs in one basket! Spread your marketing message out over a number of marketing venues: social media, blogging, email, direct mail, sponsorships, […]
Marketing Tip: Marketing = Time + Imagination + Money

Marketing Tip: Marketing = Time + Imagination + Money Any marketing initiative must begin with a well thought out plan and assessment of your time, imagination and budget. #1: Be realistic about your time constraints and the amount of time you can commit to for carrying out the marketing plan. #2: Your marketing carries YOUR […]