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Unlock Your Potential this Year with a Solid Marketing Plan

Are you ready to unlock your potential?

Now is the time to move your business to the next level by putting your marketing into gear.  How can your business take off if you are not geared up and in “drive”?  Now is the time to put social media, Instagram’s visual marketing, and a distinctive branded message to work for you.

Marketers have been teaching and preaching this message for years – if you don’t have a plan to guide you, you will never know where you are going.  “If you don’t write  it down, it doesn’t exist”.  The first step in unlocking your business potential is to sit down, take the time and write out a strategic marketing plan.

To help you get started, here are a few ideas you can incorporate into your plan:

  • Work your social networks
  • Add Instagram visual marketing to the mix
  • Maximize your website
  • Utilize your blog
  • Launch an email campaign
  • Get out and network

Creating a marketing plan doesn’t have to be hard, first start by evaluating your time, your ability to do the marketing and your budget.  Here are three basic areas to guide you:

  1. You can’t do what you don’t have time to do (create a realistic “time budget” that allots a certain amount of time just to execute your marketing)
  2. Know your marketing limitations and what you have the ability to do (if you are not skilled in creative tools, then you might have to hire someone to do the creative work, or simply stick to well written content and great photos)
  3. What can you afford? (don’t over extend yourself, create a 3-month plan within your means and add to it as your income increases – remember, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are FREE and can push your message out to your database using a broadcast message)

Utilizing Social Media to the fullest doesn’t have to cost you anything, you just need the time to put the message together and maintain your site and a database. Your challenge is to schedule your time on a weekly basis to handle the details of your marketing plan and engaging with your followers to build relationships.  But first, lay aside a few hours this week to layout a plan on your calendar – schedule in the free stuff first, then add other items into your plan as your budget allows. Then follow your plan!

Remember, no one will know about you unless you tell them – let marketing be your voice!

And by the way, I can help you with any of these things, from creating your branded look to building your marketing plan and executing it – that’s what Sandy Hibbard Creative does!

Here are three of our top social media marketing plans that we can easily get started for you:

  1. The first is the entry level, YOUR Social Voice Box. We will post for you every day Monday through Friday on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn an interesting/educational/informative post from a list of themes that you can choose from to compliment your brand. If you do not have your accounts properly set up, we will take care of that too. The price is $99/month with a one-time set up fee of $199.
  2. The mid-range program is the Social Voice Box PLUS. This is more custom to your brand. We will write an article for your blog/website every week that will be used on social media to drive traffic back to your website, PLUS daily posts as in the program above. The cost is $297/month with a one-time set up fee of $199.
  3. The top of the line and what I think would be best for any small company is the InstaBranding program. This will take care of everything on social media. It will post daily to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn AND Instagram (which is the hottest thing going right now), PLUS we will write the weekly article to use in creating a library of content to start driving traffic to your website, Instagram and Facebook pages. The cost is $540/month with a one-time set up fee of $299. This is a great program to build a following and unique presence on Instagram with a visually branded feed.

When you are ready, give me a call at 214-208-3987 or email me at sandy@sandyhibbardcreative.com.

Happy Marketing!

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