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What Happens When Facebook Goes Away?

main in front of chalkboard with social icons

Where will your marketing efforts be when Facebook isn’t “it” anymore? Will you move to another platform, will you be established in another form of digital marketing and ready to roll? If you are smart, you will prepare your business by using and testing other forms of online/social marketing – Instagram, email, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Is it time that you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram?

There’s a buzz going on about Facebook vs Instagram. Do you focus on one or the other? Do you bail on Facebook and move over to Instagram? My simple answer: NO. Keep them both. Stay diversified in your social media so you can be found everywhere; and be consistent (marketing over mastery). Instagram and Facebook […]

Don’t Send Your Marketing Down a One-Way Street

don't take your marketing down a one-way street LyricMarketingTips.com no.9

I had an interesting conversation with a marketing executive of a major national chain that I sat next to on a plane last week.  As our conversation developed it immediately went to content marketing then to the need for diversity in marketing.  Do you realize that even though you have a large following – or […]