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Celebrate your Freedom!

fireworks by sandy hibbard


Celebrate Freedom: From NYC to DFW – Join the Fun at these 2017 Independence Day Activities

The Sandy Hibbard Creative team wishes all of our clients, friends and families a safe and fun Independence Day holiday. We are thankful for the blessing to live in this country where we are free to explore our dreams, live where we want to, worship as we desire, and choose the path we want for our lives.

Since our team hails from Dallas AND from New York City, with offices in Dallas and Brooklyn, I wanted to provide you with a list of activities you can take advantage of in both areas of the country.  I hope you will take the time to get out to one of these wonderful events during the long weekend and enjoy your city!

Happy 4th of July!

Sandy and the Sandy Hibbard Creative team.

* * * * *


NOTE: Just a reminder that the fireworks have moved this year. That’s right. None near the bridges. They’ll be in the East River from 24th to 41st streets, so keep that in mind when choosing where to head Tuesday.

Macy’s 4th of July Firework Viewing spots 


  • Grand Ferry Park, Williamsburg: The waterfront park in Williamsburg may be a little far away from the top viewing locations for the Macy’s fireworks, but you should still be able to see them from a distance away from the crowds.


  • FDR Drive: How often can you say you got to walk on the FDR? Public viewing will be set up along elevated portions of the FDR Drive. The lanes will be opened to the public around 7 p.m. with access at Houston, 23rd, 34th and 42ndstreets.
  • East River Park, Lower East Side: The large park should be another great place to see the display.


  • Gantry Plaza State Park, Long Island City: One of the few places in Queens to catch the fireworks, so get there early. 

New York’s 9 Best Fireworks Rooftops

To aid in your presumed quest for pretty explosives, we’ve created New York’s 9 Best Fireworks Rooftops. We think you’ll find the name to be quite telling. Best 9 Rooftops in NYC to watch fireworks.

4th of July Parties and Special Events

The Dutch in Soho annual Fourth of July all-day luau. The restaurant’s holiday hours are 11 a.m. through 9 p.m.  www.thedutchnyc.com

Midnights in Brooklyn Fourth of July Barbecue

Syndicated in Bushwick showing the movie Independence Day on the Fourth of July. showtimes at 6:20 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. www.syndicatedbk.com

The Heights at the Arlo Nomad hotel rooftop Fourth of July party www.theheightsarlonomad.com

Brooklyn Barge’s Fourth of July party. www.thebrooklynbarge.com

The William Vale Hotel in Brooklyn 4th party www.thewilliamvale.com

Dominique Ansel Kitchen special Fourth of July treat get a slice of watermelon filled with watermelon soft serve ice cream and topped with chocolate watermelon “seeds”. www.dominiqueanselkitchen.com

Walters 4th picnic basket www.walterfoods.com/walters



*Addison Kaboom Town – July 3

*Arlington’s Annual Independence Day Parade – July 4

*The Colony- Liberty by the Lake- July 1

*Dallas Wind Symphony Star-Spangled Spectacular – July 4

*Fair Park Fourth- July 4

*Fourth of July Family Fun Jubilee- July 4=

*Frisco Freedom Fest- July 4th

* Irving’s Independence Day fireworks show – July 4

*Lake Dallas 4th- July 4

*McKinney’s Red White & Boom – July 4

*Old Fashioned Family Fireworks Fort Worth – July 2-4

*Plano Symphony Orchestra Patriotic Pops at the Eisemann Center – July 3

*Sounds of Red, White & Lewisville – July 4

*Southlake Stars and Stripes at Southlake Town Center- July 3


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