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When Facebook Goes Away

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The main reasons for using social media are an expectation to have a presence on social media; help build and maintain relationships with existing clients; use it to promote new listings, and use it to find new prospects, according to a recent report by *NAR: See below: “Real Estate in a Digital Age,” National Association […]

Build Your Instagram Feed With These 4 Simple Tips

    40 billion images, 4.2 billion likes and 400 million daily users mean that a lot of people are paying attention to Instagram! Being found and building a memorable brand on Instagram takes work but can happen if you follow these 4 tips… Build key partnerships Find the people who are reaching your audience and partner with […]

A special welcome to Elina Bromberg

Elina Bromberg and Sandy Hibbard

    A special welcome to Elina Bromberg   I had a great time working (ok, AND playing some) in NYC this past month that ended with a spectacular evening spent with our newest client – [a special welcome to] Private Jeweler, Elina Bromberg.  You can visit her site at www.Ateliereline.com and view her stunning high-end […]