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52 Killer Marketing Tips with Sandy Hibbard: Create a Blog!

sandy writing a blog at her desk

How important is a blog to your business today?  VERY!

Some people ask me “is a blog still relevant today?” and my answer is, “more than ever!” Even in today’s social media marketing atmosphere, a blog is vital in sharing information about your services and expertise – it is simply a tried and proven way of providing content that can live on your website and be syndicated to all your social accounts.

Here are 4 reasons that a BLOG is important for your business:

1 – It will drive traffic to your website, PLUS, it will build a library of content on your website that will continue to drive traffic to your website long after the blog posts have been made.

2 – Blogs increase your SEO. Fresh content is still a key to attracting search engine results to your page. Use keywords in your articles. List out the keywords, topics, and categories you want your business to be found with. Use these words, and related expressions when writing your posts.

3 – It will help position you as an industry leader. Well written articles demonstrate your expertise in your field. By posting topics that resonate with your market and show your knowledge, you are marketing your skills for your business. Become the hub, or the place to be, for your industry. PLUS you are building trust. The more you can show that you are experienced in your field, the more likely your consumer will trust you to supply what they need.

4. A blog helps to build relationships. By building trust and sharing your expert knowledge, you will create awareness AND preference for you and your brand – you become their source of information. Consumers like to be informed, and appreciate that you are the one teaching them.


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