A Woman-Owned Business Since 2000

Building a 1-2-3 Punch for More Instagram Engagement

photo by Elena Iv-skaya

Building a 1-2-3 Punch in Your Instagram

Building an organic business Instagram feed that connects you to your desired audience is no easy task. To build a dynamic feed takes attention, thoughtful curation, and the careful creation of posts and stories that represent your Brand. This week, I want to share a three-tiered approach to your Instagram activity that will increase engagement and win more fans.

3-Tier Approach to Instagram Success

1 – Great images and video

I’m lumping these together so you can focus on them as your overall visual content. We know that Instagram images get an average of 23% more engagement than Facebook, that’s huge! Posts containing videos receive 38% more engagement than images. So, #1 is all about producing great visuals to share in your posts and Stories.

2 – Stories

Instagram Stories are on the rise and are being seen by ohhhhh about 400 million peeps a day. 80% of those users are watching Stories just as often as they’re checking their feed.  Stories are “discoverable,” meaning that even people who don’t follow your business account will be able to discover your Stories – a great opportunity to attract new fans! #2 is to work Stories into your posting strategy to draw attention to new posts, share brand news and activities, attract new followers, increase engagement, and to support your overall feed.

3 – Hashtags

Hashtags are a VITAL ingredient. You have the content, you have the stories, now you need to apply hashtags so they can be found. A single well-planned hashtag can increase the engagement of a post by 12.6%. The optimal number of hashtags is around 11, and longer, more specific hashtags are best to connect you to your niche. #3 is to attach your brand hashtags and relevant hashtags everytime you post, and be sure to include one or a few in your Stories as well.


Build on these 3 things every day in your posts:



The fabulous image I have featured this week is by the artist and Instagrammer @ivskaya, this image stopped me in my tracks! Your images have the power to do the same with your audience. Pay attention to composition, colors, and the clarity of the subject. Create an image that tells YOUR brand story.

Great Images carry a huge 1-2-3 punch:  STOP and take notice – HEART the post – FOLLOW.



Of course the key thing is to attract the right people to your feed. If you are a Realtor and you are connecting with millennials that are seeking home ideas, design ideas and possibly to buy, then your incredible photos will draw them in. Like the images below from my Realtor client @jarradbarnes. Who wouldn’t want to jump into these images? It works this way no matter what industry you are in.



If you are a busy professional and business owner, I know you find it hard to allot the time and resources to focus on your business Instagram. You need Sandy Hibbard Creative! In my INSTABranding program, we will do the work for you, freeing you up from the pressure of providing content so you can start connecting. 

Call me for a quick visit, I want to talk to you personally about how I can help take your Instagram account to the next level – 214-208-3987.

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