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Marketing Tip: Some Classics Never Die, They Just Need to be Tweaked

marketing Tips at www.lyricmarketing.com

Marketing Tip: Some Classics Never Die, They Just Need to be Tweaked By Sandy Hibbard Simple sage advice:  If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!  I can’t tell you how many times I have worked with clients that had a great marketing strategy in place – leads were coming in, sales were happening – but […]

Marketing Tip: Times Change But Good Marketing Lasts Forever

Marilyn Monroe on billboard

Marketing Tip: Times Change But Good Marketing Lasts Forever Great marketing will transcend time and trends.  Whether you are using old school marketing like billboards or direct mail, if your message is skillfully crafted and your imagery pops, it will get the attention of your audience. To create a classic marketing campaign, keep your message […]