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Do You Want to Improve Your Online Presence?

man working to increase productivity

Do You Want to Improve Your Online Presence? Having a blog can drastically increase your organic website traffic. Blogging can be an ideal way to increase the amount of traffic your website receives. In addition to providing your audience with interesting and useful information that will bring back repeat business or visits, blogging can largely […]

[MARKETING TIP] Its Time To Mix It Up!

MIX IT UP WITH BLOGGING AND SOCIAL MEDIA BLOG + SOCIAL = RESULTS  Building relationships is like building muscle, the more they are engaged the stronger they will become. When you create a dynamic MIX of blogging content and social media posts, your social media program has the power to – engage and build – relationships with […]

This Will Drastically Improve Your Social Media Success

Are you missing out on clients because you’re not on social media?   Staying connected and nurturing your prospects through CONSISTENT social media marketing keeps YOU on their mind and increases awareness of your brand.  Do you want to create leads and be preferred over the competition?  You need social media marketing to build your […]

Marketing Tip: 4 Top Questions My Clients Ask Regarding Social Media Success

  Marketing Tip: 4 Top Questions My Clients Ask Regarding Social Media Success Working with clients in social media and creative design and marketing, teaching in lunch-and-learns, and leading marketing workshops, I get a lot of questions.  For this week’s marketing tip, here are 4 top things people ask me regarding social media success:   1. […]

This will help you overcome your procrastination

Need help overcoming your procrastination?   I know all too well from working with clients like you for over 10 years that marketing can be daunting, and social media marketing can pull you into one deep, black hole! So what happens?  You procrastinate. You do nothing. Why do we run from hard tasks? Because of […]

The 7 Essential Elements of Effective Social Media Marketing

The SocialVoiceBox is about building awareness and relationships through your social networks.  Here is an excellent article by guest blogger Sonia Simone that discusses 7  basic things you need to consider in your overall social media marketing.  Enjoy!   The 7 Essential Elements of Effective Social Media Marketing by  SONIA SIMONE By now you know it’s a bad idea […]